Happy 2006! Not that it's off to a very happy start with the mining tragedy in W. Virginia and Ariel Sharon's stroke and such, but hopes are high among most folks I know for a more peaceful, inspiring and energizing year for all.
For Akhil and me, the holidays were a wonderful whirlwind. We packed a ton into this trip, with two days in CT with my family for Christmas; including a walk on the beach at Watch Hill where they were in the midst of tearing down the old 125-year-old Ocean House; a day with Carolyn, Rob, Inge, Gary, and Tarek in New Hampshire; some QT with Laurel in Cambridge (including a superb and overly indulgent dinner at Maurizio's in the North End); and New Years Eve with Heather, Jon, Katie and Andrew in Boston, first at the Oak Bar at Copley, then at LaLaRoque in Beacon Hill, then at the Sevens on Charles Street. Akhil and I slipped in a two-day jaunt to Waitsfield, Vermont, as well, where we stayed at a B&B, skiied at Sugarbush and found that ski equipment looks different than it did five years ago - has it been that long? Geez - they don't even have points anymore. En route we managed to see the Morrell family in Manchester and had we only driven over the border to Maine we'd have hit all six New England states this trip.
How we got ourselves to Lexington, Concord, AND to Walden Pond in addition to seeing "King Kong," making crepes with caramelized apples, brunching at the Paramount and cleverly retrieving Akhil's lost cellphone from a homeless man named "Ed" in Porter Square somehow I have no idea. All I know is that we got back here Monday at noon and dashed out to do some gift returning, rather than napping, which is what I WISH I'd done that day. Well, we got to see The Grove's tree one last time, buy some more Farmer's Market pork chops and catch the Mayor himself (Villaraigosa) shopping at Banana Republic. Am I the only one who thinks he resembles Tony Shalhoub? New Years resolutions are in the works, but staying cheerful is on the list. 2005 was exhausting -- here's to a much more joyful and uplifting year!