Sunday, March 13, 2005

Just drove back from an early morning power walk in Manhattan Beach -- one of SoCal's greatest features.

Now -- down to business. Houston, we have a satisfied customer. Cool toys for big kids: Here's Akhil in the Shuttle simulator at NASA's Johnson Space Center.

A wide shot:

Mission Control:

Nick & Akhil, and the littlest astronauts:

(Oh, and the conference went well too...)

Congrats to Marivel, who recently restarted her life as a hairstylist, leaving the high-falutin' world of network TV PR to live a dream. First major gig:
Anonymous said...

Thanks to Nick for giving the AMM conference the NASA JSC tour! Unbelievable to me that Nick (or anyone really) will be shot into orbit sitting in that little can. It's a bit like 5 guys (and gals) sitting in a minivan riveted to the tip of a really big rocket.