Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I realized today it might sound strange to some that I regularly get off the phone with my husband, far away in Florida, with him saying things like, "Well, I just got out of the Hall of Presidents, and later we might go see 'A Bug's Life.' Call ya later!" Perfectly normal. That would be "work." Pity dinner is in order when he gets back on Friday, for sure (you ask: pity for him, or pity for me?). Meanwhile, join me on the latest 'Baby Watch': Carolyn has just three weeks to go til the big event -- and Minda's due any day as well. 'Tis the season of our lives... It's mind-blowing. Time just marches right on by, doesn't it. No respect, no favors!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello - I had no idea Minda was expecting - send her my best.

Is this Carolyn from home?